Kyla Sherley

Patient Services Coodinator

Kyla Sherley is a Patient Service Coordinator at the Overland Park location of the Riordan Clinic. She also achieved her certificate as a Certified Nursing Assistant while she attended high school. After Kyla graduated in 2018 she pursued her Certified Nursing Assistant role through a nursing home and primary care office. She has always had the heart for helping others while going out of her way to make sure patients are heard. She has hands-on experience supporting providers along with their patients in order for them to receive the best care. Kyla has also helped patients with their records, questions, concerns, along with helping to communicate with the doctor.

Though helping others is something that comes naturally to her. Kyla felt furthering her knowledge of different types of healthcare was important. When she started working at the Riordan Clinic she instantly fell in love with the environment and the integrative side of medicine and health. Kyla looks forward to helping patients in every way that she can while learning more about what the world of oncology is about.

In her free time she enjoys reading books/ podcasts, nature walks, traveling to different places, taking her dog on walks, and spending time with family.