Class Series: Food As Medicine (recordings)

There are a lot of questions in today’s world about what to eat, how to eat and why. This in-depth class series will connect the dots and address some fundamental questions behind how our diet impacts our health and well-being and how it contributes to the progression of chronic disease.

Each class is designed to be a “stand-alone” so if you are only able to watch some and not all of them, please don’t hesitate to do so. The four classes together will give you the most robust understanding but each individual one is still incredibly valuable in helping you to make vital decisions as you move forward in your journey of REAL HEALTH.

Presented by: Dr. Anne Zauderer | Class videos are available, at no charge, on our YouTube channel*

[Watch the class series online]


Food 101: Nutrition Basics

This class will explore the basics of diet and nutrition from a functional medicine perspective. This is an essential piece to understand how your body uses a variety of foods, differently. Some of the topics we will look at are: the differences between a fat, carbohydrate, and protein and how each fit into our dietary needs; why we need fiber (from plants) in our diet; what exactly is metabolism and what can we do to support it; and much more!

Food Additives to Avoid

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on packaged food and not recognized half of them? Are all of those ingredients harmful? As food has become more of a science, new ingredients are invented and used every year. In addition, herbicides and pesticides are being sprayed on our food at an ever-increasing rate. This class will delve into the additives that the food industry has developed in an effort to market and sell more processed food to us.

Vitamins and Nutrients in Food

Most people have heard the term “superfood.” This is a food that has great nutritional value. What makes these foods so great? What types of nutrients are in these foods and what do those nutrients do for our bodies? In addition, there are foods like sugar that, in addition to making us gain fat and dysregulating our blood sugar, actually rob the body of these essential nutrients. In this class, we will discuss the best foods to eat for the maximum nutritional value.

Food as Medicine

This in-depth course will connect all of the classes in the series and address some fundamental questions behind how our diet impacts our health and well-being and how it contributes to the progression of chronic disease.



Please note: the Food as Medicine series is no longer offered in person. To watch a previously recorded class, please visit our YouTube channel.

[Watch the class series online]
