Bio-Center Laboratory
Obesity is associated with a lengthy array of abnormalities (e.g. sugar levels) many of which can be measured through laboratory testing. Dr. Hunninghake has referred to a number of appropriate tests. Listed below are a few more that your doctor may recommend for testing sugars and items associated with obesity.
Tests measuring sugars:
• Fasting blood sugar (glucose)
• Hemoglobin A1c: a measure of average blood glucose levels over the past 120 days
• Uric acid: usually considered an indicator of gout, but elevated levels also seen in patients with high fructose intake
• Insulin: a hormone produced in the pancreas and essential in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Elevated levels seen in insulin resistance are caused by high sugar (carbohydrate) intake. Tests associated with obesity
• C Reactive Protein, high sensitivity (CRP-hs): A sensitive, non-specific, measure of inflammation without reference to site or cause.
• Basal Metabolic Index (BMI): calculated from an equation using body weight and height.
• Cholesterol and Triglycerides: traditional measures of fat and sugar intake. Omega 3 Fatty Acids, High Density Lipoproteins (HDL), and Lowdensity Lipoproteins (LDL) are components of cholesterol.
• Leptin: the satiety hormone, which is released when fat stores are adequate, produced in body fat cells, and often elevated in obese patients with insulin resistance.
Call to schedule your lab appointment on-site or to receive test kits through the mail 316-682-3100 or 1-800-447-7276.