Lunch & Lecture: 17 Correctable Causes of Chronic Illness

Do you suffer from chronic illness? Are you looking for answers? Join us as Dr. Ron presents an overview of this innovative approach to the 17 key elements to help you correct or avoid chronic illness. All of our Riordan Clinic doctors will be present and available to answer individual questions at the end of the lecture.



Date: Thursday, September 12, 2013
Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Cost: FREE – Lunch is included

Who can benefit from this lecture? EVERYONE – but especially those who suffer with chronic symptoms which may have been diagnosed, but for which no therapy has yet brought relief. Talk to our doctors about how to find the answers.

Reservations required: call 316-927-4723 or email us.

If you are unable to attend in person, check out this lecture on our live webcast.

Lunch and Lectures: A Look Ahead…

Please note that our schedule has changed.

October 31, 2013 – Check Your Health: Review Your Laboratory Test Results with Riordan Clinic doctors
November 14, 2013 – Conquering the Super Bugs (and how ultraviolet light may play a role) with Dr. Jennifer Kaumeyer

Call 316-927-4723 or email to reserve your spot for any of the above lectures. Reservations required.

**Dates, topics and titles are subject to change.