Patient Profile: Benefits of Regular Exercise

Do you want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Then exercise! The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. And the benefits of exercise are yours for the taking, regardless of your age, sex or physical ability. Need more convincing to exercise? Check out this month’s featured patient and the ways exercise improved his health.

This month’s patient is a 64-year-old male who had realized at the age of 40 that he had started gaining weight. He noticed that he lacked the energy that he once had.

After a checkup at our clinic, the doctor advised him to start an exercise program. The patient’s choice was to start cardio training with many different variations that included aerobics, treadmill, etc.—four times per week. He wished that he could do more but unfortunately, did not have the time. In any case, a little is better than none. He has been exercising for several years and just loves it due to the fact that he is able to control his weight, reduce stress, and gain an overall since of well being, along with enjoying the fun and comradery of being with other people. When asked what advice he had for others, the patient said that if you feel too tired to exercise, do it anyway because you will feel so much better afterwards.

Exercise helps prevent excess weight gain and helps to maintain weight loss. Exercise also combats health conditions and diseases. Worried about heart disease? Wanting to prevent high blood pressure? Look no further! Being active boosts good cholesterol (HDL) and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. In fact, regular physical activity helps prevent and manage such health problems as stroke, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, depression, arthritis, falls and certain types of cancer.

Need an emotional lift or just help with that stressful day you just finished? Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. Exercise can also boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. Exercise increases energy by improving your muscle strength and endurance. Physical activity delivers more oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. These are just a few of the amazing benefits that regular exercise can have in your life.

If your doctor approves an exercise program to incorporate into your daily routine, then start by doing a few things you like. Things you might enjoy are walking, tennis, swimming, biking, dancing, and golf. Just get started on a new you today.

You’ll never know how different you will feel or discover the personal benefits of exercise until you start. If you can’t do 30 minutes to an hour a day, alternate between 10 minute programs several times throughout the day. A few minutes a day can make a huge impact! Everyone can spare a few minutes, right?