Holistic Approach to Slimming Down Your "Wheat Belly"

by Laurie S Roth Donnell, Master Herbalist and Holistic Health Practitioner

“Wheat Belly,” written by Dr. Davis, a noted cardiologist, explores the evolution and infiltration of wheat in our daily food. Today’s wheat is genetically modified; this genetic modification is different from laboratory GMO gene splicing. Nevertheless, the amount of 20th century agricultural genetic modification has outpaced the human digestive system’s ability to adapt. In Davis’ book, regarding the U.S. consumption of wheat, he states, “We get most from a hybrid of Triticum aestivum—our great grandmother’s wheat—called dwarf (or semi-dwarf) wheat, which now comprises more than 99 percent of all wheat grown worldwide.” Beer belly is just an “old time” expression for what is actually wheat or grain belly, according to Body Ecology. This belly fat is a visceral fat, or fat that has accumulated around body cavity organs like your liver, stomach, or intestines. Subcutaneous fat is just under the skin. It is the flabby, flesh of any part of your body. Obese folks have both visceral and subcutaneous fat issues. A beer or wheat belly most likely indicates visceral fat. In addition to the obvious potential of diabetes II from obesity, there is another ominous aspect of visceral fat. Visceral fat acts as a gland, secreting hormones that make the immune system react. This produces more fat to store and protect pathogens from invading our organs. It is the proverbial vicious cycle, and it produces low-level chronic inflammation that can result in various autoimmune diseases.

Five wheat belly indicators:
1. High blood sugar
2. Skin problems, rashes, acne, and eczema
3. Bouts of anxiety and depression—low energy
4. Gut disorders—yeast infections
5. Early aging disorders that include dementia

Beyond the above lies celiac disease, which can be determined by a blood test and/or gut biopsy.

Bottom line, even if you are not a celiac disease sufferer or gluten sensitive, you still could be suffering from the ill effects of wheat or other grains. Even organic whole wheat has a high glycemic index (GI), which over time may increase your glycemic load and create diabetes II. Whole-wheat grains are considered complex carbohydrates, and modern day wheat contains amylopectin A, which is a rapidly absorbed carbohydrate that spikes your blood sugar, and more.

Alternative grains include: buckwheat, which is not actually wheat, amaranth, rice, hominy, sorghum, tapioca, arrowroot, and quinoa. Oats however are controversial, as it has been argued that oats are contaminated by wheat. In addition, a vitamin therapy that includes vitamin E (800IU), B complex, coenzyme Q-10 (50 milligrams) and L-carnitine (500 milligrams) daily has been shown to support healthy glucose levels. Also try drinking 4 to 5 cups of tea made with ½-cup chrysanthemum flowers boiled for 15 minutes in 5 cups of water then strained to assist in glucose stabilization.

If you are interested in enhancing your health via simple diet changes, I suggest start by going through your kitchen, pantry, and refrigerator, and eliminate all processed foods that are high in sodium, fat, and simple sugars, including honey and corn syrup. This includes frozen dinners, processed meats, cold cuts, cupcakes, cookies, doughnuts, and candy bars. In addition, do not forget about your liquid empty calories hidden in processed soft drinks, juices, alcohol, and sweetened teas. Stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and beans. Drink water as your main beverage, as it is zero calories and a very healthy choice, I suggest at least 10 cups daily.

Moreover, please check with your primary care physician when embarking on any new health regime.




Contact the author at lauriedonnell@hotmail.com