Blast from the Past: Supplement improves fertility in women
This article was originally published in the October 2004 issue of the Health Hunters Newsletter. Infertility is still a concern of may couples.
Supplement improves fertility in women
Fertility is an ever-increasing problem in the U.S. with one in every six
couples having difficulty conceiving a child. This problem is equally divided
between men and women.
Researchers recently had 30 women, ages 24 to 46 who had trouble conceiving a child, take either a multivitamin containing vitamins E, B6, B 12, folic acid, iron, magnesium, selenium, and the herbal extracts of chaste berry and green tea or aplacebo for three months.
Women in the supplement group had hormonal changes that were indicative of greater fertility and after five months five had become pregnant. No pregnancies occurred in the placebo group.