In Gratitude…
As a not-for-profit organization, we rely on many to make our vision a reality. So many come together to provide our patients with a place of hope, health and healing. Here are just a few we’d like to thank.
All individuals and groups who have donated to our cause through financial support, including:
• C. and G. N., Hill City, KS in honor and memory of Elmer Hunninghake
• Blessed Sacrament School, Wichita, KS in honor and memory of Elmer Hunninghake
• Monique Muri Foundation, Dobbs Ferry, NY for laboratory equipment (Abbott Hematology Analyzer)
• Crestcom International for event/ meeting space rental
• Wichita State University Nurse Practitioner Program tour groups for visiting our campus
• Our patients and co-learners who spread the good word about the clinic:
• “I’m so happy I finally came here to see what amazing work is happening! Very inspiring!
November 2012, Lunch and Lecture attendee
• “A patient, who has raved about how much her husband has benefited from UBI [Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation Therapy] because of its reduction of the frequency of his painful canker sores, scheduled him for a UBI today to treat an acute instance. She said she was so happy he could get in today because the UBI offers him remarkable relief even the day of treatment!”-November 2012, as told by our patient liaison, Julie