Riordan IVC Academy and Symposium 2014
Friday Lectures
Ron Hunninghake, MD – Addressing the Metabolic Roots of Cancer
Dr. Ron, as patients at The Clinic fondly refer to Ron Hunninghake, MD, is a native Kansan. He served his medical internship at Wichita’s Wesley Medical Center in 1979 and completed his residency at the Smoky Hill Family Practice Program in Salina, Kansas in 1982.
Dr. Ron began his career as a small town doc in Minneapolis, Kansas where he first started teaching clinic-based wellness. Later, he joined nearby Salina Family Physicians and was instrumental in founding WellPlan, a comprehensive lifestyle modification program. Seeking even greater involvement in helping patients learn innovative ways to rebuild and maintain their health, he joined the Riordan Clinic in 1989 as its Medical Director.
Following in the footsteps of Dr. Hugh Riordan after the Clinic founder’s untimely death in 2005, Dr. Ron set about articulating the Riordan approach in seven core precepts:
1. The primacy of the doctor / patient relationship
2. Identify and correct the underlying causes
3. Characterize the biochemical uniqueness of the patient as co-learner
4. Care for the whole person
5. Let food be thy medicine
6. Cultivate healthy reserves
7. The healing power of nature
In addition to his full-time practice as a holistic medical doctor at The Clinic, Dr. Ron has made three trips to Japan to lecture on The Riordan IVC Protocol for Cancer. He is currently the elected chairman of the International Schizophrenia Foundation and has been a regular presenter at their Orthomolecular Medicine Today conference that has been held annually in Canada for the past 39 years. Here at the Riordan Clinic, he has presented more than 300 lectures dealing with all facets of nutrition, lifestyle, and optimal health. He has co-authored three books on subjects including inflammation, energy-boosting supplements, and how to stop pre-diabetes.
Burt Berksen, MD, PhD – Alpha Lipoic Acid in the Care of Certain Cancers
Dr. Burt Berkson practices integrative medicine in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and is an adjunct professor at New Mexico State University (Mycology). He is the expert consultant on alpha-lipoic acid (thioctic acid) and acute hepatic necrosis and mushroom poisoning at the Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta and is the medical mycology consultant at the Poison Control Center, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
In 2011, Dr. Berkson was presented with the Life Achievement Award in Integrative Medicine from Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and the Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Society. He has worked as a researcher and professor at several institutions, including: the Max Planck Institute (Heidelberg), the University of Illinois (Urbana), Chicago State University, Autonomous Universities of Mexico, Cleveland Clinic Hospitals, Rutgers University, and as a member of the National Institutes of Health Internal Medicine and endocrinology research group.
In addition to his medical training (PhD to MD Program, Autonomous University System, Mexico and the Cleveland Clinic Hospitals) and post graduate training (Internal Medicine and Pathology at Case Western Reserve Affiliated Hospitals), Dr. Berkson earned a Masters Degree in Biology and a PhD in cellular biological sciences from the University of Illinois, Urbana.
Dr. Berkson is an active writer, researcher, and speaker with numerous published works in several scientific, medical, and popular journals. His three books are The Alpha-Lipoic Acid Breakthrough, All About the B Vitamins (with Arthur Berkson MD), and Syndrome X (with co-authors Jack Challem and Melissa Diane Smith). He also wrote chapters in the new book Honest Medicine.
Walter Crinnion, ND – Environmental Toxicants and Complete Cancer Care
Dr. Crinnion was a professor and the chair of the Environmental Medicine Department at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine from 2003 to 2013. After receiving his Naturopathic Doctorate from Bastyr University in 1982, he went into private practice for several years while simultaneously holding several associate professorships at various universities. He has served as an editor of the environmental medicine section of Alternative Medicine Review and of Naturopathic Medicine, and has been a reviewer for The New England Journal of Medicine and many other scientific journals. He is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and was awarded Physician of the Year in 2004 and Best In-Office Research in 1998 and 2002.
Dr. Crinnion is a staunch advocate of environmental medicine and is the author of the book Clean, Green & Lean: Get rid of the toxins that make you fat. He has written numerous articles that have been published in peer reviewed journals and spoken for dozens of conventions, conferences and seminars across North America. He is currently the Chief Science Officer for Enzymedica, a digestive supplement company in Venice, Florida.
Saturday Lectures
Frank Shallenberger, MD – Oxygen, Mitochondria, ATP and Origins of Cancer
Dr. Shallenberger is a five time grandfather and four time father. He has been practicing alternative/integrative medicine since 1978.
Positions Held
2010-Present: President, American Academy of Ozonotherapy
2007-Present: Vice President, Society of Orthomolecular Health Medicine
Recent Accomplishments
- Finished publication of his new book on ozone therapy entitled The Principles and Application of Ozone Therapy – A Practical Guideline For Physicians, available at
- Formed and incorporated the first medical ozone society in the United States, The American Academy of Ozonotherapy.
- Elected to serve as a charter member of the International Scientific Committee on ozone Therapy.
- Developer of Prolozone®, an injection technique that has been shown to regenerate damaged joints, herniated discs, and degenerated joints, tendons, and soft tissues.
- Published the first paper on Prolozone Therapy in the Journal of Prolotherapy entitled, Prolozone – Regenerating Joints and Eliminating Pain.
- Authored numerous papers in the international peer reviewed literature on ozone therapy and oxygen utilization.
- Editor of Real Cures alternative medicine newsletter, and has written The Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough and Bursting With Energy both of which are in their fourth printing..
- Holds the only patent on the use of respiratory gas analysis to determine mitochondrial function.
Frank Shallenberger, MD – Cancer Case Studies Using Ozone and IVC Protocol
Michael Gonzalez, NMD, DSc, PhD; Jorge Miranda-Massari, PharmaD
Variables that Impact the Clinic Effectiveness of IVC in Cancer Care
Dr. Gonzalez is a professor at the Nutrition Program, School of Public Health in the Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico and Adjunct faculty at the University of Western States. He has a Master’s Degree in Cellular Biology and Biophysics (Nova University), and another Master’s in Nutrition and Public Health (University of P.R.). He has Doctorate Degrees in Nutritional Medicine (John F. Kennedy University), Health Sciences (Lafayette University), and Nutritional Biochemistry and Cancer Biology (Michigan State University). He completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Geriatrics at the School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico. Dr. Gonzalez is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and has authored over 150 scientific publications. He has served as a member on several scientific journal Editorial Boards, such as Biomedicina, the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, and Alternative Medicine Reviews. He has obtained several research awards for his work on Nutrition and Cancer, and co-authored the book, I Have Cancer What Should I do: The Orthomolecular Guide to Cancer Management. He is currently Co-Director of the RECNAC II project and Research Director of the InBioMed Project Initiative. Dr. Gonzalez also serves as a nutrition consultant to the Puerto Rican Basketball National Team and is part of the Medical Commission of the Puerto Rican Basketball Federation. He is in a part time clinical practice with Dr. Miguel J Berdiel in Ponce, PR. In December 2013, Dr Gonzalez was exalted as Distinguished Ponceño in Medicine.
Dr. Miranda-Massari is a Professor of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Puerto Rico and a registered Pharmacist. After earning a Doctorate in Pharmacy at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, he completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Pharmacokinetics at the University of North Carolina. He obtained Post-Doctoral training in Pharmaceutical Care in Nephrology from the University of Pittsburgh, and another in Clinical Anti-Coagulation from the Medical College of Virginia. Dr. Miranda-Massari is the author of numerous scientific publications including editorials, reviews and research data in peer reviewed journals. He is also Director of the Education Branch of the innovative InBioMed Project and Clinical Research Director of the RECNAC II Project, specializing in cancer research. Over the last 10 years, he has given hundreds of lectures on the use of nutrients and botanicals. As co-author of the book, I Have Cancer What Should I Do: The Orthomolecular Guide to Cancer Management, he provides evidence based recommendations for an integrative approach for those dealing with cancer and seeking to improve quality of life and survival.
Doctor González and Dr. Jorge Miranda-Massari, founders of InBioMed, are leaders in the development of non-toxic chemotherapy treatments for cancer. They have brought many new concepts into the field, such as the Bioenergetic theory of carcinogenesis, the systemic saturation phenomenon of intravenous vitamin C, the metabolic correction concept for disease treatment and prevention. Currently they are finishing a book on Vitamin C and Cancer for Springer-Larger.
Tom Levy, MD, JD – Vitamin C: Facts, Fiction and the Law
Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD is a board-certified cardiologist and the author of Death by Calcium the Primal Panacea, Curing the Incurable and Stop America’s #1 Killer!, as well as three other groundbreaking medical books. He is one of the leading world experts on the curative powers of vitamin C. Dr. Levy frequently lectures about the proper role of this nutrient and antioxidants in the treatment of a host of health conditions and diseases to medical professionals all over the globe.
His work currently focuses on the importance of liposomal technology as a delivery system that appears to surpass the bioavailability seen with the intravenous administration of vitamin C, glutathione, and other nutrients into the body.